Hey. It’s been a week since Bootham was released and I first of all want to say thanks to everyone who has downloaded, commented, followed and played the game. But mainly, Stranded has been updated and the update fixes all major bugs which people complained about. But what has really been changed you ask. Well see for yourself:
Audio on the main menu
Fixes mouse lock glitch
Better in game lighting
Better AI
Fixes Falling glitch
More robust game (compiled in unity 5.4)
Doesn’t shoot when clicked on in game menu
Mouse locks after the in-game menu is closed
Plus much more but you’ll have to play the game to see for yourself!
I hope this update fixes the issues you have with the current version of Stranded but if you do find any more problems please contact me on my website reeceheron.com. By the way, there will be more updates coming so be sure to follow me on twitter @VisionStudiosUK for the latest news on future updates.
So go and download the game now: http://gamejolt.com/games/stranded/145683
Many thanks,
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