A quick fix that was brought to my attention before last weekend
~Fixed a softlock on Quest 3-3 where an enemy would bypass the barriers on both ends of the screen - making it impossible to win the level
A quick fix that was brought to my attention before last weekend
~Fixed a softlock on Quest 3-3 where an enemy would bypass the barriers on both ends of the screen - making it impossible to win the level
Main Story Soundtrack Fully Uploaded! + Side-Quest Update
Status Report 2
Panateropta Reveal
Soundtrack Report
Status Report 3
5 Days
1 Week
1 month
Before Goliath's Requiem reaches it's end, I urge you all to read. This is important.
Here it is
The Main Artwork for DALegacy: Goliath's Requiem, courtesy of JRaijin