Neon Valley: Revenge
10 years ago

Update #2 - Chat, forum and a weapon!

Chat now working! Press Y to open up chat box and talk to your heart’s content! Please be civil in the chat or risk getting kicked.

New weapon: The R-12 Enforcer, silenced pistol. Fast rate of fire, shorter bullet tracing, high accuracy and quiet sounds; this gun is built for those ninja backstabs.

A temporary forum is out! The Forum was created as a way to connect and create more of the community and to be able to get better feedback about the game. We hope that by opening up a platform of communication that everyone gets a chance to make their voice heard. Here we plan to post information about updates, events, changes and discussions regarding the game and its members. We would be happy to have you with us!


Please head over there to drop some feedback, comments, meet up with people to PvP or just stop by for a chat. Look forward to meeting you huumans :D



Next up

Jump up, jump up and get down on these mechanics... I wonder how long I can keep these terrible segway puns up :P Jump attack for the Ninjato! Use the red multipass in The Mainframe

#shooter #arcade #multiplayer #retro #action #scifi #other

Dual wield weapons fixed! You can mix and match secondary weapons however you want to. Note, the recoil is increased significantly when dual wielding guns. #shooter #arcade #multiplayer #retro #action #scifi #other

Lava keeps rising in floor is lava mode. It no longer stays as a static level. The terrain is also lava now. And towards the end of game, if players unsuccessful with hacking the firewall. It will look like a crimson waterworld!

Added a new spectate camera! Use WASD for controls, space for elevation, CTRL for decent and clicking on an object tagged enemy will auto attach to it. More on that in a future post. Oh and, NEW UPDATE IS LIVE BABY The Mainframe 3.5!

Ricochet updates! Its working properly now :D Also adds a score multiplier per bounce, up to 4x per ricochet kill. Rewarding them sweet skill plays! Try them out at the practice range~ #shooter #arcade #multiplayer #retro #action #scifi #other

It's all about positioning with these boost pack mechanics~ #shooter #arcade #multiplayer #retro #action #scifi #other

Lava keeps rising in floor is lava mode. It no longer stays as a static level. The terrain is also lava now. And towards the end of game, if players unsuccessful with hacking the firewall. It will look like a crimson waterworld!

MELEE BABY!!! Finally got the sword ready and in the game <3 check out The Mainframe, earn the red multipass and give it a slice n dice

Boost pack and sword make a cool combo! Polished more of the sword animations, Sword combination moves are fixed, but sliding and jumping has too long of a cooldown time to combo with. #shooter #arcade #multiplayer #retro #action #scifi #other

Slide into action... With shitty puns and flashy moves! Also, a new update for The Mainframe is out! 3.5 is ready for testing. Let me know how it goes Jolters! #shooter #arcade #multiplayer #retro #action #scifi #other