Hello! I thought I’d throw together some titan gifs and assemble another update for you guys.
I decided that I had to do more work on the titan to make combat more engaging. So there are some new combat features and titan attacks.
Knee Cuts
You can now cut the knees! Releasing the attack behind a knee will cause the titan to fall. He will then enter an injured, kneeling state. This lasts a set time until he heals and gets back up on his feet.
While injured, he still has all his attacks, but he can’t turn (or walk) which makes him more vulnerable and allows the player a better chance at getting a clean path to the nape.
Hand Cuts (Grab Evasion)
There is now a counter-attack against grabs. When the titan is just about to grab you, you can release your attack to cut through the hand and avoid being grabbed. It requires good timing, so it is a risky move.
A successful evasion will disable that hand (you can disable both) for a period of time, making the titan unable to use it for attacks.
Improved Attacks
The knee and hand cuts gave the player an advantage, so new attacks were added to the titan to help prevent ‘safe zones’ where he could not reach the player. Stomping players on the ground ensures that you can’t stand too close. Other new attacks are grabs behind the back; bites when near the mouth; and lower grabs to ensure that its still dangerous to go for the knees.
The normal grabs have been improved a lot to make them more accurate and better at predicting the players path. The titan is a lot more dangerous now, so hopefully the combat is more engaging, but we will see how it works when you guys get a chance to try it out.
It Can Walk!
He can walk! Walking is fairly basic at the moment, but he can follow the player and avoid bumping into things, or walk along a path to his objective.
That’s It!
There are other new features as well, but this post is already too long!
I had to take a break from the project for a few months awhile ago, so that slowed down development but I’m back at it and have been making progress! Thanks for being so patient with this update, I know it is taking longer than we all hoped it would so I really appreciate it!
I will not be adding any more new titan features for this update, and am focusing on putting the demo together so I hope there won’t be any more big delays.