Hey all,
Hope you had a great 4th of July holiday! Here’s the changelog for the latest version of Mega Man Armada (which you may also view in the changelog.txt):
-Improved jumping physics to closer resemble NES MegaMan gameplay (thanks Bloodbane!)
-Added stage: TomahawkMan
-Added playable character: Captain America [Unique]
-Added playable character: Spiderman [Shooter]
-Added playable character: Deadpool [Shooter]
-Added playable character: Ekoro [Mixed]
-Added playable character: Fox [Shooter]
-Added new enemies/enemy projectiles
-Added FireMan to Boss Rush mode
-Updated Mario’s walk cycle
-Updated Luigi’s walk cycle
-Updated Gunvolt’s walk cycle
-Updated CutMan’s walk cycle
-Updated Gunvolt’s lightning attack animation
-Adjusted stage hazards in CutMan and AirMan stages
-Adjusted collision damage on enemies that mistakenly didn’t have any
-Updated credits.txt to include two more custom sprite illustrators
-Updated unique-movelist.txt to include Captain America