-gave all chracter kills that lacked jumpscares uhhh jumpscares
-made max mow... puh eeeeaaaakkk
-fixed bad bug that made game impossible last hot fix that was really bad
-boarders show how there killing u so new players probably will figure them out quicker, this took way to long to add
-one find char is stalled for half a hour, basicly just to nerf bonus mode rip
-probaly some other important stuff plz get update
Next up
the full game of Original revamp is now out!, report bugs as always, there are some known issues but im workin on seeing what i can do
due to recent events we are going to redesign jake to fit gamejolt's new quality standards, also will be renaming the spirits suits into the nft suits, we belive this is a change for the better any way
my fucking life right now
me making games in 2024????? not possible
aw heeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllll nawwwwwwwwww
the REDONE update is out!!!! changes many things of the game to make it look better and also be more like recent updates to the original game, still no chips maybe in 2025