Update#7 is here bringing the usual fixes and expansions. Importantly this is my GDWC2017 entry version so from this point on i’m scalnig back the updates to monthly updates, rather than weekly. This will make the updates more significant and hopefully more beneficial.
In this update we have:
added another crew personality, Added a bit of campness to this one.
This is starting to make the crew chatter more interesting now as it’s not just the same old phrases spouted by everyone. I also expanded the existing crew speech to include a few more random banter.
made planet and crew quest triggers mutually exclusive.
This is meant to stop the crew from talking over the main plot quest points.
added generic ring quest.
Essentially ring quests are the same as probe quests, but involve more difficult enemies.
changed colour of thrust marker.
Nothing special, just make the thrust marker nicer to look at.
fixed planetary plots not working
As it says, the main plot functions were riddled with bugs preventing the plot quest from being added to your docket. This is now fixed.
adjusted time acceleration to move in multiples of 2.0 and 2.5.
As i’ve been testing the previous versions I got annoyed at the jump from x2 to x10 so I’ve added x5 into the sequence.
added base of planetary specials.
So when main plot quests are completed they apply a special ability to the planet concerned. The first of these specials as been added to this version.
added a linux 64 version
What it says, a linux 64 version of the game as been added. In the future i also plan to support Android, but not until later in the year.
added crew summaries for quests
After quests are taken, if you hover over the quest direction marker or quest counter, the crew will provide a summary of the current quests so you know where you’re going.