Update #8 details
Added wood industry developments
From now on, you can develop your wood industry. Wood is a commonly used resource in the game, so you need it everywhere - that's why you should develop it during your gameplay!
Wood industry requirements: level 3
No requirement; Increase the woodcutter hut's maximum workers by 3.
No requirement; Your woodcutter buildings have a chance to get some bonus wood.
Requires development (2); Your woodcutter buildings always get some bonus wood.
Requires development (1) and (3): Unlock the advanced woodcutter hut.
UI changes
Article popups
Gained/spent resource number above it's picture
Watch out! The building is on fire!
What's the solution? A fire station can handle these situations. If it's close enough to the fire, the firemen could put it out in time - or the building will collapse.
A fire station