Fazbear Revived - A FNAF Fan-Game (Official)
10 years ago

Update and Tip Regarding Fredbear (Golden Freddy)

I’m uploading an update to the game that fixes a bug with Fredbear in which he doesn’t appear when entering the office.

Also, I’m sure a BUNCH of people are absolutely confused with why Fredbear causes so much trouble. Here’s the case.

Fredbear doesn’t move based on time, he moves based on your actions on the camera. Whenever you switch a camera or turn it on/off, he moves to another room. If you keep clicking on different cameras to find him, chances are, he’s already in your office, and will jumpscare you.

When you hear that laughter, he’s started moving. And if you manage to catch him in your office when the auxiliary power is on, you can use your Freddy Mask to get him out.

If you want to avoid Fredbear from moving around, there is one camera you should check every now and then. I won’t say what, because it’s right under your nose. c;



Next up

Panateropta Reveal

Here it is

The Main Artwork for DALegacy: Goliath's Requiem, courtesy of JRaijin

Soundtrack Report

Main Story Soundtrack Fully Uploaded! + Side-Quest Update

Status Report 3

Before Goliath's Requiem reaches it's end, I urge you all to read. This is important.

Status Report 2