Hey all! It’s been a while. We were holding off on putting this up since there’s still some things we wanted to add.
We’re currently in the process of adding:
Move cancel
A shoulder-charge that operates like a dash
The ability to stun enemies
Destructible/explosive objects
Charge power-ups that increase your charge bar
Retooling the Pirate Captain boss fight
Retooling the cutscenes
Those should be done in the next few days, but in the meantime, this is our current build. It’s been undergoing a lot of fixes and we’re liking how it shapes up!
New features in this build include:
Revamped tutorial
Character redesign
Ranged attack
Dodge move
Increased number of enemies on screen
No health reset between stages
A number of various bug fixes that we can’t remember right now
We’re close to having a build we’d consider to be near-perfect or at least near-final, so if there’s any feedback not related to the seven features currently in progress (or at least feedback that would recommend ways on implementing the seven features in progress based on what you see) now is definitely the time to speak up!