Hi, all. I just want to say, thank you for sticking with me and waiting patiently as I develop. It has been 20 days since I began this project. My, how time flies. I wanted to take this time to discuss the state of this project.
Game developing takes a lot of work, and even though I can't call myself a proper game developer as of yet, I commend the works of @Emilmacko and @Nikson_Official
and Nikson since they must have taken a lot of work for their respective games. Hell, Especially @Nikson_Official
because Those Nights At Rachel's is fun. Really hard, as in I can't get past night 3, but really fun.
I am slightly changing the direction of this project. Initially, it started as a simple idea: Make a second person narrative. However, as time went on, I initially came up with more ideas. After consulting with my girlfriend, I switched things around and am currently making it first person.
I have no excuses for why I haven't been making progress with the game. I was waiting on @Evelina_Rose to finish with artwork before I continued but as I learned I should just let her do it on her own time so I can at least have the script being worked on.
I began writing the Read Me that I plan on including in the .zip file. Here is an excerpt of it:

One final bit of news, but I am planning on including jumpscares. Granted, they will be very primitive. Just a single screen, rather than an animation, associated with a loud screem. Also, it will be different than most FNAF games where the jumpscares are RNG based, this will be like night 4 of sister location or night 12 of dormitabis (I have to play that game again for the channel), kind of like they will be scripted.
I'll keep you posted next time I want to chat about something.