The Andy's Horror 2
3 years ago


(Important poll, please read before voting.)

Hello, yes, I am here.

At first, I want to apologize for the length of this post, but it is important as I said.

Good news.
My motivation is kicking in. Slowly, but it is.
I'd like to share my thoughts about the whole project.

I'm having second thoughts about the map layout.

And that's because the game is supposed to be freeroam in part, with an animatronic roaming around, adding danger and gameplay.

The thing is, while trying to get the ooh-narrow-no-space-scary-boo kind of feel I totally forgot about functionality, so whenever you would encounter an animatronic you would be just dead with no way out.

Here's the map:


(wowowow map teaser)

The green dot is the player.

I put it all over the map so you would see the size of the character, and how little space for escape you have when encountered with an animatronic.

With this layout I have to make an anti-attack system, and I'm talking something like a stun gun, hacking, or flashing the enemy with a light. (Although the last one is so overused i won't do it)

So that's where you come in, and you have three options for me:

1 - Keep the map as it is, make an anti-attack system other than hiding,
2 - Enlarge the map, change it a bit, no anti-attack system other than hiding. (This option would extend the game's release time)
3 - Completely change the map, no anti-attack system other than hiding. (This option would extend the game's release time even more than the 2nd option)

Your choice.
(Vote in the poll below the post)

I'm also having second thoughts about the whole project, but I'm gonna stay here as long as I can. I won't leave you guys hanging. It will come out.

Thank you for reading.
- karfek

  11 votes Voting finished



Next up

Hi! An udpate on TAH:R progress.

Made myself a list to help me organize my tasks, decided you should have a look at it.

Note: Everything there is very generalized.


Some of them hide in the dark.

Rat Race Production Update

Slow and steady. Be wary.

▼ Update on the game ▼

happy halloween.... ;) (i may be back.)