Beans' Speedy Game Rebaked (Baldi Mod)
4 years ago

Update is Out

Beans' Speedy Game has an update! Changelog with all additions/tweaks below.

  • You can go through the double doors before 2 notebooks are collected. I would advise NOT to as some elements will either break or softlock the game until/unless the first notebook is grabbed.

  • Arts and Crafters became Road Runner!

  • TimTom is the pay phone! Pay a quarter for a baseball!

  • Dr. Reflex has been added! You will have to do a jumping minigame if you enter his trigger!

  • BSODA is now baseballs and the Zesty Bar is now 5 Gum.

  • The ending is completely different.

  • The finale mode is different.

  • After 3 exits in story mode or 7 notebooks in endless mode, Trippy Hell will be activated.

  • Cheat codes have been added.

These aren't all the changes, but regardless, I hope you enjoy this big update!



Next up

Beans' Speedy Game just got rebaked!

The Paradox, my final mod. Coming in September.

I got The Paradox released, folks! Give it a shot!

I call this group of rainbow mechs, er...The Pathetic Six. They're the first minibosses in Sonic 3, and man, they're so easy to cheese. Why do I still love fighting them? Idk anymore lol. Perhaps a particular Michael Jackson track to go with it?

I'm back, and I have just one request:

Prepare for the Inky Groove to commence. More news will be here soon.

The Inky Groove is in its early access! Come on in for some catchy beats and melodic treats, courtesy of Inky (that's me) and Gemini!



The Paradox, my final mod coming September 1st. GET HYPED.

I'm not dead, everybody.

In the meantime, check out my update to Barry's Basics!