Hello everyone! I've decided to break the silence with another update! Progress has been slow lately, but it was just New Year's and Christmas! Now I'm back to share all the excitng news for 2023!
First Thing's first, as I said, development has been pretty slow lately, but that hasn't been just because of the holidays. We've undergone some new managment changes and overall improvments on how we are going to run the team! We just got a new manager on board and boy is he ready to get things back rolling 100%. We have also been in the process of story changes, making sure that we bring a new and exciting tale to your Fnaf experience that is sure to send chills down your spine! We have also gotten quite a few interview requests which really showed me how this project's support and backing!
We are working on new cool stuff for you all, but there are some things we need to discuss, like new opportunities to join the team. As always Unreal Engine Devs are always welcome to join, as well as modelers, but right now, we have one position in particular that needs some filling. If you have some good artistic skills, you just might be what we've been looking for! Right now we have a spot open for a concept artist! If you think you'd be interested, leave a comment here, or leave a shout under our profile page!
Thanks for reading this article! We've been working to try and get more content out, and I get it, it has been very scarce lately, and you know me. I don't like to make many promises until I know for sure. It's been a hard Christmas in terms of big progress, however, I know these new changes will bring about some great stuff! I'll keep you all updated!
See you all on the flipside!
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