2 Dumb Nights at Blob's: The Next Level (Offical)
4 years ago

Update Log:

1.6: Nerfed NL.Blob,Fixed a bug with the gameover screen

1.7: Blance changes,Fixed a bug relateing to Creatvie Old Blob and Saveing is fixed

1.7.5: (For real fixed saveing) fixed a bug where cam 6 buttion would not hide when you beat a night. (working on fixing C.O.Blob.

1.8:Fixed Creative Old Blob (yes for real this time) has been fixed. (also side update I have done alot of work on The remaster of the frist game so yeah,expect the page to be up soon.

1.8.2: Fixed progreesion a bit and fixed a bug where getting jumped by the Creative guys whould stop all ai.

2.0: (Up a Notch Update)

-Added New Poses for Mini Blob (The Old ones are now the BRAND NEW Old Mini Blob Skin)

-Changed Creative Square Boi's Mechanic a bit to be more fair.

-And many Minor changes and bug fixes (also there is an EXE version to)

From now on only minor updates will be made to this game.


-Fixed a game breaking bug where when you start Night's 2 or custom night the night instanly ends

-The MAC version of the game is out

2.2 (Hopefully Final Update):

-Fixed Mini Blob (Finally)

-Fixed NL PN Blob

-Changed the ending



Next up

Hey Guys

Hey gangalang, you should go play my friend's game, I made some music for it and what not

One thing planned for this big super cool update is that all the major characters are planned to have remodels of some kind designed by our new co artist @AThuman . since I'm feeling nice here is Moldy Jed's remodel

Those who know

1.1.7 (ACTUAL FINAL PATCH) art by: @AThuman


Ok guys the update will be out by tomorrow and I bet you guys will like this a lot.

Sorry for the lack of updates as of recent, progress is going very well, I would say about 1/3 of the new stuff has been added, trust me this update will be a real treat for y'all

Don't worry yall, game is still alive