Hey Guys I just wanted to take a moment and say that there will not be a update for about another week, this is because I just got a new laptop and I still have to transfer files and pre-record for my YouTube in addition to I am going through Exams. So that’s fun, especially when you are in highschool,
Which reminds me of when I was younger, I don’t remember how long ago was it, but I wasn’t in high school like I am now, and I remember that I was waiting for a person to update their game, And I had notifications on it and everything, and then I got a email saying the guy had a new update to the game, he said he was going through high school exams, and at that time I wasn’t planning to be a Game Designer, but when I decided to become a Game Designer (around a year ago) I was in middle school, (I’m in 9th grade now) and I’m like “No matter what happens, I’m gonna promise to give the people two things :
Fairness, I want to be a fair developer. I don’t want to pay-to-win. I don’t want a “Pay to speak to me!” I appreciate donations, but I don’t NEED them.
To always work on my games and give updates so many times that people will think I care, because I do”
Now that we are here, it is tough doing exams and I am not saying I’m taking a break from development, I just say “Give me a week or two please, then everything wil go back to normal” I am trying to get some more developers so if you are interested in that, Please message me for details :) Also I am trying to develop a game with a story, but for now, I appreciate you all being patient, and thank you for being great.