Hello everyone! Been a while, huh? Well yeah sorry about that but ey like I said, I'm not a full time game developer, I'm just a guy who made a game about a funny rabbit man with sharp teeth for fun. Plus ya know irl stuff and all that, gotta love it. BUT, have there been any big news regarding TC2 since my deadness I'm sure y'all are wondering? Well....
.... no.
I HAVE gotten around towards rethinking and making the new assets for the new mechanics for TC2! I hope what I have in mind is enough of a departure from TC1 to give the game it's own identity but still be simple and entertaining. No coding has been done as of yet, we are still VERY early in development, but things are slowly but surely taking shape. A page for the game most likely won't be made until it's like at least 40% done, so don't expect that for a while basically.
So yeah, I just wanted to update y'all on what's happening with Twisted Circuit 2 since it had been five months since my last post on this page. So just to recap: sorry for being dead, TC2 isn't dead, ideas and assets have been made, still don't expect the game for a while.
Have a nice day/night folks!