Here's some stuff I added from the last Demo, apart from adding new characters:
-New, better backgrounds for the cams and the office
-Added the vent to the camera map
-Made it so that you can close the door/vent anywhere
-Added the other menu buttons
-Updated the controls screen
-Added new remnant colors-Removed Herobrine
Anyways, I also added a few more characters (yeah I'm not waiting for the rest of the row to post):
-Michael (?): Collect the metal that spills whenever he pukes.
-Dream Candy Cadet: Press C to buy candy.
-Treasure & the Gang: They randomly appear in random cameras.
-Dream Music Man: He makes noise, imitating other animatronics’ sound cues.
-Dream El Chip: He gives you an ad at the bottom of the screen. Click the X to get rid of it.
-Dream Helpy: He gives you free remnant, sometimes. Sometimes, he just feels like stealing some remnant. Either way, click on him when he appears to find out!