So it’s been ~a month since I stated I was going to start working on the game again, and I just wanted to update everyone on where I am at.
I started this new little journey with my game by wanting to cleanup my code and scripts. The problem is that it was written in JavaScript, and I have moved onto C# since then. So the first thing I tried was taking all of the preexisting scripts and just converted them manually to C#.
I had gotten actually pretty far along before I realized I was going to have to reattach the scripts back to the proper GameObjects, reattach any GameObject/Prefab instances to the script variables and everything. I figured, why do this when I can just rewrite the code from scratch. Start fresh. Not only would I be getting the game back to the language I would like, I also would be cleaning up the code as I went along.
I was taking the long road around for no reason. So I started to rewrite everything. I am so close to being done. All that needs to be done is fine tuning the ball physics, finish my PlayerSpawn script, and fix up the Arena Game Mode.
This game has come a long way since I started working on it way back in 2015, and despite my long respite from the game, I’m glad to be working on it again. Thanks for all of the support and expect the reworked game to be back up soon!
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