April 15th, 2010
UPDATES: The world of Anor is now twice as big, featuring in game time changes. There are now 3 npc’s to interact with, 1 of which gives a simple quest. There are now 7 monsters.
April 12th, 2010
UPDATES: You can die now! lol, you get respawned at the beginning, but you dont lose any progress. There is now a total of 8 rooms to roam through. There are 3 more monsters, all very different from each other! The game map rooms are arranged like below:
[!][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][x][ ]
You start at the “x”, and the “!” is the most challenging area.
April 11th, 2010
UPDATES: Quick item access implemented! “R” uses the item selected, “C” drops it. “Ctrl” picks items up now also, (much smoother and faster than the mouse) “Up Arrow” and “Down Arrow” scroll your quick item selections. Note*** The inventory spaces still arent all working (4 now instead of 3)(not because I dont know how, but because my process is too lengthy for now), but you can now see any item in your inventory within the quick item hud.
Trees change transparency when you are closer to them!
You can now see your exact Hp, Mp, and your (Xp / Xp needed) % !
When you hover the mouse over one of your skills or an item in your inventory, it now shows a description!
FIXES: Skill timers fixed so that they remember where they were no matter what screen you are in. MP/HP regen timers fixed so that they also remember and dont restart when entering a new screen.