Wow, just look at the progress. Finally found some time to establish the new update! There are some major changes I had to make, such as removing the bombs and greatly reducing the bullet limit. I felt they made the game a bit confusing since the purpose of the ball seemed obsolete (or at least difficult to comprehend) since it moved away from the classic Pong mechanic (miss the ball, lose a life) which everyone is most familiar with. Also since the bullet count is reduced, I had to take away the power-up shields since they had made gaining power-ups a bit too tedious and frustrating. The GUI should be a little easier to understand now. I have labelled the player lives, and the bullet limits are now presented as pictures instead of integers. Oh, and one more thing: HTML5 EXPORT IS UPDATED!
Removed bombs
Ball takes away life points (again)
Ball adds 1 bullet per bounce instead of 5
Power-ups no longer have shields
GUI edited for better readability
Ships move faster and with increased acceleration
Pause screen now provides help with controls as well as player
high scoreBall is now able to “absorb” power-ups and become a Super Ball
Super Ball can be shot in order to obtain the absorbed power-up,
destroying the ball as a resultGolden bullet now has a bullet count, which is 1
Golden bullet makes sound when player shield is destroyed
Trishot now has a bullet count, which is 3
Standard bullet limit is now 6
(HTML5 fix) Ball now animates when created
(HTML5 fix) Start menu version number now has the “HTML5” tag