9 months ago


What's new?

Glad you asked. Today it is gonna be different and I thought of moving on from making fnaf fangames for a long time.

I know I may seem like a hypnotic, but its true. When I was always making any fnaf fangames, I thought its tiring as hell, boring, and too much work, no?

I was planning to remake the whole snast series from scratch (before i have been moved on from that).

However, nothing really happened when making any fnaf fangame and you know what?

I think it will be the right decision I make, I will quit making any fnaf fangames and I will try to make any indie games in the future.

If you are going to move on from fnaf fangames you make, are you gonna delete them?

no way, I aint going to delete them. Instead, I will just make them unlist (maybe soon or in the future).

Unlist because memories are important (even nostalgia too).

Why did you cancel your recent fnaf fangames twice?

I canceled MMN(Mike's Macabre Night) and FNwP(Four Nights with Plushies) because both werent really interesting and fun to make, and I felt like snast and cnaf were the only games I enjoyed making.

So, what is your indie game going to be?

right now, it will be secret until I announce it. To surprise you guys and this time I won't cancel it. I promise.

so yeah, thats all about my game dev career, doing fnaf fangames is nothing much special to me anymore.

See you in the next update!

-SwellOcean 2024

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Next up

this image goes hard

his new design looks fine, but I honestly prefer the previous one

while I play this game on my switch, I couldn't get this futuristic building off my eyes at how advanced really it is. this game is peak.

I have watched this movie today and I actually love it


night chill

before after

gotta be honest, these designs for villagers do not really look bad imo

random thing I found on youtube

the fact that people keeps improving ai while not even caring or realizing about if it will end up causing a cyber apocalypse