Five (?) Nights At El Chips

2 years ago

Updated and upgraded! El Chip’s Version 1.66

The update is out, and I hope to follow up on more through out the months.

what’s been added:

the jumpscares have been made to be goofier and even have a motion blur effect using scratch code.

gameplay has been optimized

the boss has another room it could go into

an actual boss theme! I’m new to composing so it took a while to get something I’m happy with

a new mechanic kind of? The stinger sound if added with a office flicker, the door can raise if a animatronic appears there



Next up Forgot the say, the Soundtrack for El Chip’s has been released!

it’s nothing much but thought it should have one sense it has a few original tracks

A Bite at Freddy’s Fanart because I LOVE IT.


Do not fear El chips still here

(Image unrelated)

Forgot to add this to the game page as well so if you haven’t seen already pls read:…

Just so you know El Chip’s has been released!

available as a pdf file so if should work anywhere, there’s a few more stuff than the night gameplay

what’s going on with El chips? Please Read

So erm something’s cooking

The deed has been done, Developer Commentary below

not the brightest moment