five nights at Baldi's plus

10 months ago

updated "continue menu"


apple - effects dr reflex, and baldi

dirty chalk - effects all charcter but not gotta sweep, and mrs pomp

HI IM FACULTY - effects all charcter but not baldi

LOCK - only works for one of the doors when you hover a closed door making it locked saving the power

big OL' boots - effects gotta sweep, mrs pomp, and first prize "makes them not get you"

Green plus - gives you 15+ extra power

whistle - stunts principle for 30 seconds and sends him to his starting point

banana - only works when you hover over one of the doors making the enemy's slip and go to a random spot in the map away from the office


I aint explaining find out yourself.



Next up

Brookhaven for no reason:

Booga Booga :D

I remade my 3 main alt

demo 2

new mode leak

I am back to continue the full game

I got Minecraft for free with some random APK app

"I might get a virus lol"

Send help

it has been 3 days before I do demo 2

we have 4 more days till I continue on demo 2

my oc without my hat

"I made myself bald and added the shining reflection"