struggled a bit with this, not going to lie. I think this is the 7th iteration. faces are haaard!!



Next up

Hoping to get my skates today! I’ve been a little obsessed so I tried to stave off my tendency to be impatient by creating this cross-stitch!

Update: Skates are here. I definitely didn't fall on my butt almost immediately.

r o v e r

I used to be really interested in 35mm photography. I have a small film camera collection with the oldest one being from the 1930s.

Create your own Arcane art to be featured in an official Opera GX Arcane Mod + GET a chance to win prizes and bragging rights.

The best part? No AI is allowed in the contest.

Enter the contest here:

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OG 3D goggles

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 19: @SnowHexArt is a great Creator who creates pixel art including animations, assets, and more! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

my friendly neighbour; a gift for a dear friend

s a i l o r c a t s

@AnubiArts is a Jolter to Watch! They post great pixel and low poly art! Follow them before the quest ends on December 31 and you'll get Coins!

p r e t t y g u a r d i a n