Hello there! We've updated the spoiler system for the community! Please take a look down below.
Anything that is in the Dream World doesn't need to be spoilered out, but there will be some exceptions to this.
Here are the things that needs to be spoiler tagged or spoilered.
What to spoiler:
Any of Omori's endings
(post-ending related posts is also counted)
Anything that is related to Black Space and "The Truth"
(entrance of Black Space and everything in it is also counted)
The Final Boss fight
(cutscenes that happens before, during, and after the fight is also counted)
Anything that is related in the Real World
Anything that's part of the Hikikomori Route
Any of the Phobias or Fear Bosses
(and their fights)
If you don't know how to spoiler your posts, here's how to!
First things first, you need to make an article!
Press the plus (+) button. (Shown below)
Once you pressed the plus button, you will see a list of options. Press the spoiler option. (Shown below)
You're free to either add text or artwork once you've added a spoiler tag in the article!
If you prefer an easier way to spoiler your photos, we also allow people to spoiler out their photos in their posts by adding a warning before it! Take a look at
this post
as an example!
That's all there is, please continue to follow our rules on making posts here in the community!
Thank you for reading, have a wonderful day to all!