BOX Os 4.0 (Official)
4 years ago

Updates (Read article below)

Hey everyone! I've done a lot of progress in the making of Box Os! Here are some of the most notable changes:

You can set your own profile picture with images from your PC!


Box Paint is done! Thanks to @aWildBree for making it.


Box Clicker is pretty much done! Only thing left is the save system.


And i'll share some ideas for the future:

Gamejolt trophies

Custom apps that can be made in the OS itself

That's it for this devlog! Hopefully i won't take that long making this game! I'll see you guys!



Next up

i'm counting this as coding 🙃

Progress update on the next game:

Box Dash!

i know communities can't be copied since people can't possibly always have different ideas and i don't want to start drama but uhh

hi new and old followers alike

we have a few news regarding this mod and its future

first of all, it's basically finished, so no new songs or stuff like that

but on a brighter note, we are working on something bigger AND better

stay tuned!

thank you all for 800 views = ̄ω ̄=

what'cho looking at

aw yea

Must say, the Reginald mod has come a long way