Hi all, Welcome to another Devlog.

The more eagle eyed of you will notice I’ve been quiet these past few months.
I’ve moved house (again) and I’ve been kept busy with a few things in my personal life.
Thank you for sticking with me and FCR.
It’s been a while since I’ve released an update for the game and a small update is on it’s way but i’d like to go over a few decisions I’ve made about the future development roadmap for FCR.
First of all, The damage system is in need of a major overhaul.
The current one is a huge bottleneck, it’s the main reason for people experiencing huge frame rate drops while playing.
It’s also limiting the number of cars I can have on track at any one time to around 8 before the frame rate dies away completely.
The new damage system I have planned out should eliminate 99% of the frame drop and free up vital processing power for other things.
I believe the damage system to be as important as the vehicle handling in a game like FCR so it needs to be right.
This will be introduced in a not so distant future update along with…
New car models.

Above is a WIP picture of the first new vehicle to be introduced into the game (complete with dented panels) since I launched the first version of the game.
It still needs a lot of work (wheels, textures, interior etc) but it’s being developed to be compatible with the new damage system and will be released alongside it.
the old car isn’t compatible and will be removed in the same update.

Alto Kane has agreed in principle to create some music for FCR. I haven’t had time to meet and chat to him about terms but things are looking promising and he’s an awesome musician. His Soundcloud is here
Future updates will concentrate on one aspect of the game.
It’s too much to try and develop all of the game all at once so I’m going to update one thing at a time. After all the above is released for example I’ll work on the CTF mode for the next update.
It makes more sense to break the game down into chunks to develop it.
Obviously, any new code or assets which are shared with other game modes will be added to those game modes but on the whole, the development process will concentrate on one mode at a time.
When I feel the game is ready I plan to take it through Steams early access program to help raise funds to further develop the game but this is a long way off in the future.
If you have any comments or questions please post them below.
Thanks for following us and playing the game!