Little bit about how armor and weapon stats are going to work, for those who like a little math.
‘Weapon Damage’ is pretty straight forward, it gets added to the amount of damage on attacks.
‘Armor’ reduces the amount of damage taken.
‘Armor Piercing’ determents in percentages how much of the ‘Weapon Damage’ ignores the ‘Armor’.
Example: If an attaking unit have
30 ‘Weapon Damage’ and 50 ‘Armor Piercing’.
Against a unit with 20 ‘Armor’,
the calculation for the damage output is;
(50ap / 100) * 20arm = 10 arm
30wd - 10arm = 20wd
Conclusion: The amount of damage the unit does each attack is 20.
Having a shield gives extra armor if the attack comes from the front, but more on agles of attackes on a later update.
The 3D model and animations being used.