For an indepth summary of what this is, you can check out the previous year. If you want to see all the logos before, check out the other images! But basically, it's this yearly thing where you tell me about your AU(s), show me some stuff about it, and I make a logo for it, free of charge! It's supposed to help lesser known UT/ DR creators get their AUs and stories out there as I shout them out and feature their logos on here. Let's get started! :D
If you could drop me some charged stickers, that'd be soupy!
This year of logo requests have ended, thank you! We have 32 submissions! Very promising and creative AUs out there. Please don't get upset if I didn't accept your request! I probably just didn't find enough interest in doing it.
Here's all the logos at their original sizes:
If you missed out and still want a logo for yourself, you could always commission me!
The rules:
Your AU can't be Sans or Papyrus-centric(Dusttale, Dusttrust, Disbelief, Revenge TUE, etc. etc.). The AU also can't be EXE related. We don't do any of that here at the soup store.
Your AU's name must make sense, meaning none of that nonsensical "Name!AU" or "SwapShiftSpin" stuff.
Preferably, your AU shouldn't be a meme/ joke AU, but I won't exactly stop you either.