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Stating this, the v2.0 update is not ONLY just image or graphic changes, it actually has some different changes on each mode that makes it unique, I won't say what it is but it'll be shown on gameplay and you can tell easily
Remember when I said that I was releasing the game on November 18, I lied I'm releasing it a bit earlier so you're lucky C:
After about 1 and a half years, the 2.0 update is done and it will be released on November 18 (P.S. I added some small little teasers on the media above)
Quick change I found out I'm going to be quite busy on Friday so I'm going to change the release date to Saturday instead, that's all
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TAF 0!!! (art by @_Mallie_ )
...Something seems off...
He went here...
Maybe some haven't caught on,
Five Shows at Wario's: Director's Cut is coming to mobile devices, eventually!
For now, however, you are not allowed to enter the Theatre.
Development on this game is going by very slowly, I have finished 2 rooms so far but I'm really busy with college stuff now so expect this game to come out around 2025, anyways here's a preview of the main title screen (very different compared to the 1.0)