- Fixed a bug where Baldi appears in the Death screen despite him not killing you or being inactive.
- Fixed the Quarter's items being basically an infinite item.
- Fixed the Principal's voice lines being played multiple times.
- Fixed the door being unusable when smashed by Copyrighted Gotta Sweep.
- Fixed sounds playing in frames where they aren't supposed to by pressing F2.
- Fixed the Quarter items carrying over items when getting another present.
- Fixed the camera present going away after clicking on Birthday Baldi.
- BSODA now works on Principal Of The Thing and It's A Bully now.
- Lock now stops characters in rooms that are locked.
- WD-NoSquee now lets you make no noise.
- Safety Scissors now pushes back Playtime.
- Dirty Chalk Eraser now makes you unseen by characters.
- Portal Poster now prevents Playtime from entering.
- Grappling Hook and An Apple for Baldi works now.
- Big Ol' Boots now makes Copywritten Gotta Sweep useless as long as you have it on.
- Added a Warning screen.
- Added an "ending" to 6/20.
- Added item instructions.
- Added a 2nd page to the Tutorial.
- Added a button that links to the Discord server
- Added a lock on the camera that is locked by the Swinging Door Lock
- DRPC has an icon now.
- Added the option to use the scroll wheel to increase/decrease AI.
- Clicking the 'NO!' sign swaps it's side. - Baldi is slower the closer he is. - It's A Bully can now take away your item, including Quarter items.
- Power drains faster.
- Camera present now spawns as short as 30 seconds.
- Using Middle Mouse on portraits now switches to 20 if the AI level is 10 or lower and to 0 if the AI level is 11 or greater.
- Added sounds for BSODA, Alarm Clock, Quarter items, WD-NoSquee, Dangerous Teleporter, Portal Poster, Principal's Whistle, BLFT, Grappling Hook and Apple.
- Added visuals for the Faculty Name Tag and the Big Ol' Boots.
- Changed the version number.