6 years ago

v0.1 uploaded for design analysis



Next up

I thought "what the heck, one screenshot wont hurt"... Working on "Capture the base" for the 2 button game jam... A simple side scroller with the ability to build buildings and troops... Art is still terrible.... but that's something for a later update :D

I am quite excited, all is forming nice for the new release... we even have our chicken now... think we will call him Scott #indiedev #findtheegg

Development lately has been going slow, but I finally decided to get going by first polishing up a game I created a while back as part of a game jam... First time doing Isometric art... Look nice? Still needs lots of work tho :?

This feels like the lamest animation ever.... Why....

Although it feels a little tastless, the ingame popup is what will take you thru the construction of many buildings.

Just posted QuakShoot :P Classic Retro game about shooting ducks.... Sounds like fun?

[market research] mmm... wonder how many Sudoku players there are here ;)

Finally got the maze generator running. Can't wait to start planning the proper server and getting people to come and try out the maze generator games. I will be creating a game page soon for event times and server information :D

I am excited to announce that I will be bringing updates, such as a new look and feel to "Find the Egg" :)

So we are testing the Pacman mod @Lamonica created for Pong and it is super! Cant wait to release the next update...