⚙️ Changes:
🔄 The time it takes for Chica to attack in level 3 has been reduced.
🔄 Chica's speed in phase 2 of level 3 has been increased.
🔄 Lights in level 4 have been rendered to prevent errors.
🔄 Now, when the player searches multiple times in boxes and finds nothing, the game will detect this and give them a random piece. (You can't search the same place multiple times.)
🛠️ Fixes:
⚠️ Fixed a bug that caused Chica to appear statically once her door is opened in level 4.
⚠️ Fixed a bug that caused the back button to disappear in the button minigame of level 4.
⚠️ Fixed a bug that caused level 4 to appear completely black. (I hope so...)