Hey everybody,
Today is the release of the tech update.. this update contains a whole new branche of content with more things to come too! It also improves alot of things.
Patch notes:
New tech content:
Added tech tiles, there are currently 6 tiles.
Added tech dungeon
Added gadget
Added tech finder
Added drop pods
Other changes:
Added creative mode.
Added some commands (only in creative).
Added water collector.
Objects now display available keys.
Added sarbacane, weak but cheap range weapon.
Improved player detection of ennemies.
Some improvements to the minimap (player indicator, centered on world origin).
Improved mod editor.
Improved world origin selection.
Fixed fatal error on launch.
Fixed floating items.
Small changes to ressource stacking.
Fixed bamboo generation.
Fixed rain placement prediction.
Fixed world origin changing.
You can't go outside the world anymore.
That's all for now, there are still many more fun things planned, so make sure to follow the game & join our discord.