Fixed: A bug with Dora getting stuck against her hallucination body if you jump on top of it, then jump off a few moments later to break her AI.
Fixed: The Backpack having no collision. Looked awkward how you can just phase into it.
Fixed: A bug with Dora getting stuck against her hallucination body if you jump on top of it, then jump off a few moments later to break her AI.
Fixed: The Backpack having no collision. Looked awkward how you can just phase into it.
Done did it (aha, funny game reference) and got my new PC set up. Mostly transferred all my files now. Super excited to get back to work on this speedyer set up!
My Game of the Year would go to the Silent Hill 2 Remake, personally! Really upset it won nothing during the Game Awards tho. Still grumbling about it.
Some Good News On Vex Clock's Development!
Vex Clock is OUT NOW on STEAM!
Over time the cast of Vex Clock went from being one dimensional to fully fleshed out characters with their own flaws and aspirations. Very happy in the long run that I took as long as I did to finish the game and develop their stories!
Vex Clock's Newest Trailer + Release Date!