FrostX vs. Sonic.exe Remastered
2 months ago

v1.0.2 - The Staircase Update

I needed to update this game one more time for one specific feature: The staircase in "..." needed to be revamped!

-Updated staircase in "..."




Next up

Original FrostX vs. Sonic.exe Review

I just released a video onto my YouTube channel reviewing all 3 original FrostX games, including the original FrostX vs. Sonic.exe from 2018!

Check it out here:

PokéTower Funk, my Friday Night Funkin' mod about the ghost from Pokémon Red & Blue, just updated!

I've revamped downscroll and middlescroll to work with the song. Hope you enjoy!

Check out the mod here:

PokéTower Funk - A short Friday Night Funkin' mod, where you rap against the ghost from Lavender Town.

Play it here:

A FrostX Retrospective

I just released a video onto my YouTube channel, reviewing all 3 of my original FrostX games! They're super unpolished...

Check it out here:

Hello everyone! Today I'm trying something new.

I've begun work on a Super Mario horror game, called Mario and the Ghost Tower!

It's super unfinished, so I've started a devlog page!

Check it out here:

School Projects page created!

Long story short, all of my school projects aren't in separate Game Jolt pages anymore. You can find each of my school projects in this single page!

Read the full devlog:…


FrostX vs. Sonic.exe Remastered is now out! Enjoy a small-but-fun game where FrostX, my "original" character, has to defeat the creepypasta character known as Sonic.exe.

I can't believe 2018 was over 6 years ago...

Enjoy the game!

FrostX vs. Sonic.exe Remastered is out now. Experience a quite unpolished game I made in 2018, now with a new fresh coat of paint.

Play as the "original" character FrostX, and take down Sonic.exe.

Recolor Funkin' V2

Finally, our first major update since V1!

All of the art has been redrawn, and several new songs alongside a Monochrome remix has been added to Freeplay once you've beaten the main week.

I hope you enjoy! It's out now!

Minecraft: Survive the Night, an unfinished project and my 2nd final school project, has been released!

Play it here: