Minor bug fixes
Your save file will remain intact even after you have updated the game, so you don't have to do anything or replay the entire game.
Minor bug fixes
Your save file will remain intact even after you have updated the game, so you don't have to do anything or replay the entire game.
Rotten Castle: Lives System
Working on a new game
Rotten Castle: Hurt Sound (I have something to say about this)
v3.0 coming soon!
I'm playing with a fidget spinner btw lol
Rotten Castle: UI Rearrangement and Attacking Mobs
Hello! I haven't been posting much lately, but rest assured, we have made some progress on Rotten Castle. In the meantime, here is some artwork I made for the game!
Rotten Castle: Damage Indicator
Rotten Castle: Pause Menu and Attacking
Rotten Castle: Restarting the Stage