Six Nights at Wario's: Left Behind
2 years ago

V1.2.0 Update Changelog + Change of plans.

Sooo y'all probably have seen that I mentioned v1.2.0 this and there, right? And y'all also probably confused regarding the gamepage update too.

Well, I decided to separate all acts and Neon Torture into their own standalone games. Why?

First of all, I wasn't sure if I will be able to fit everything in one game. You know, clickteam is a wonky engine. It breaks as the larger MFA gets, although this problem was kinda fixed with the limit increasing to 4 GB, I'm not sure that's still enough for me.

Second, if people will get stuck on act 1, when they'll want to play act 2 at release, they'll have to either ask for a save file or waste a hour or two beating act 1, when they'll want to play act 2.

Third, this change will let me add even MORE content to act 1 and future acts!

This change means the SNAW universe will consist of 4 games (as of now):

  • Six Nights at Wario's: Left Behind - Act 1

  • Six Nights at Wario's: Left Behind - Act 2

  • Six Nights at Wario's: Left Behind - Act 3

  • Six Nights at Wario's: Neon Torture

Each game will have their own menu, gamepage, you get it.

What will happen to XP system? Well, it's gonna be shared between all these 4 games! Because, I feel that makes the most sense, especially knowing you have to level up around 400 times to get everything.

Why is there no "Six Nights at Wario's: Left Behind - Act 4"?

The Final Act isn't THAT big enough to be its own game, so it'll be in Six Nights at Wario's: Left Behind - Act 3.

I mentioned above, that act 1 will add MORE content to this game, time to get into the changelog of v1.2.0:

New content:

  • Trophies in Extra menu for: 100%'ing act 1, beating night 6 hard mode, beating secret night.

  • Toggleable music in Wario Paint! Because drawing in silence with computer buzz is quite boring.

  • A golden version of the logo in main menu, when you have Golden HUD turned on!

  • More details!

  • An easter egg.

Balance changes and bugfixes:

  • You can hide while the storage is open in Main Workstation. -Bruno is a bit slower on the last half of Main Workstation.

  • A bit more time is given with the screwdriver QTE

  • Hallucinations in Pipework Room are a bit more transparent when you're fixing the pipes.

  • Some changes to fixing pipe hud in Pipework Room.

  • You can go to Crossway while the Bonzi Kong Pill storage is open.

  • Fixed a bug with Computer Virus Luigi in custom night, when you press "stop virus" exactly the moment when he appears, he breaks for the entire night.

  • Fixed a bug when some people couldn't pull down the monitor in secret night.

  • Fixed a bug with thermometer not being shown after Computer Virus Luigi broke your cameras in custom night in snowstorm weather.


  • Updated various stuff to say Six Nights at Wario's: Left Behind - Act 1

  • Updated Discord RP

  • A visual clue that you can stab Bruno in the Main Workstation.

  • Removed Extra (Lobby) (Don't worry, this room might be reworked into something else for Act 3.)

  • Removed act stuff from extra

  • Removed Neon Torture button in main menu

  • Removed Completion sign

  • Removed Select Act text

That's all for now, I don't know when v1.2.0 will release, but hopefully it won't take TOO much.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments!

See y'all later.



Next up

me when i step on a stone in 2016

the collaboration is finally revealed

cages for sinners

The massive Five Nights at Wario's Direct will premiere this monday!! More info in the image attached <3 Spread the word!


Also, read this article for more info! ↓↓↓

#fnaw #fangame #fnaf


progress on the new character model

Maybe some haven't caught on,

Five Shows at Wario's: Director's Cut is coming to mobile devices, eventually!

For now, however, you are not allowed to enter the Theatre.

six nights at wario's: left behind - act 1 v1.2.0(?)