Five Nights Before Freddy's 2

6 months ago

v1.2 Quality of Life Update - Out Now.
(Patch Notes below)

It took me long enough to go about touching this one up, while this game isn't my proudest work, it has been a treat to work on it once more and iron out some of those rougher edges.

The game is pretty much the same but with some slightly retuned A.I., subtle upgrades to some visuals, and extra sounds for more variety.

Patch Notes:

A.I. / Gameplay:

  • Adjusted A.I. values across all nights.

  • Reduced unfair jumpscares.

  • Bonnie/Chica/Foxy movement sounds are now shared between all of them, making it harder to track them.

    • Extra movement sounds have been added for more variety.

  • While hiding from Freddy, there is now a red vignette around the screen to indicate how close you are to being jumpscared.

  • Pressing 'spacebar' while hiding from Freddy now has a 50% chance to consume energy, so dont mash too fast or too slow.

A.I. is the most common thing I hear regarding issues with this game, and I can understand that.
To those who hate the RNG nature of the A.I., I'm here to ruin your day by saying the A.I. functions exactly the same as before, but with a few extra cooldowns in place to keep you from being unfairly jumpscared or ganged up on.

New Additions:

  • Endless Mode.

    • Energy and flashlight replenish after finishing one cycle (8 minutes.)

      • If you passed out and reach the end of a cycle, you'll wake back up.

  • Randomizing A.I.

    • A.I. randomize every 60 seconds, with the difficulty gradually increasing.

  • Added GameJolt API with 11 trophies.

    • Some trophies can still be earned via Endless Mode.

  • Recoded scrolling to feel more responsive.

  • Added new options to the main menu.

    • 3D perspective.

    • Menu music selection.

    • SFX & music bars.

      • SFX controls master volume, which affects music too.

Originally the goal was just to retune the A.I., but I found myself wanting to add a little more for replayability, that's where Endless Mode and Randomizing A.I. make their return from the first game.

As well as 3D perspective, seen in every other fnaf game out there, and finally, traditional scrolling to remove the sluggishness of vanilla FNBF2's mouse controls.

Graphical / UI:

  • Starting a new game will no longer wipe your save.

  • Added vignettes around various areas of the game to enhance the darkness.

  • Added a slightly more realistic gobo texture to the flashlight

  • Updated the flashlight and energy bars.

    • Flashlight bar accurately shows how much you have left instead of being split into quarters.

  • Adjusted bloom and radial blur effects.

    • Effects now fade in smoothly rather than abruptly.

  • Menu navigation is snappier.

  • Menu backgrounds now cycle randomly.

  • Some menus have new or updated backgrounds.


  • Added a new jumpscare sound, a blend of the original and FNaF2.

  • Added extra player footstep sounds for more variety.

  • Adjusted various channel volumes.

  • Adjusted left/right panning values.


  • Fixed a rare bug where the flashlight disappears, either causing death or a hardlock.

  • Fixed a rare crash caused when freddy is inside the cabin.

  • Removed two unecessary intro sequences.

  • Removed the Night 1 outer cabin section.

    • This can be accessed and played via the extras menu.

  • Removed the EthGoesBOOM cupcake.

Known Issues:

  • If the game window is not in focus while on a loading screen, the game may hardlock and require a force exit in task manager.

  • Rarely, the player can back out of a Bonnie/Chica window scare, resulting constant screen shaking and sound effects playing.

    • This will fix itself once you encounter bonnie or chica in the windows again.

  • Adjusting brightness level in-game randomly stops working, and the brightness indicator may become stuck on screen until a new night is started.

That about wraps this one up, unless there's something I've missed and needs fixing.

Happy gaming,




Next up

He was forced out by the beast, Plushie still trapped inside, it is unknown if they even survived. 39 was left to wander the streets, alone.

I procrastinate in the worst ways possible...

The upcoming Ventures update will feature overhauled pre-rendered cutscenes with new dialogue, alongside many other quality of life updates.

Coming eventually.

In celebration of 39's 7th anniversary, I've decided to give you all a small taste of Impurity with a short demo.

The upcoming Ventures update will bring some updated music into the mix, courtesy of the original creator: Søundbøx.

Also included here is the new wallpaper for the game, featuring the four idiotic friends, ready to save an imaginary world!

We got trophies in FNBF2, before FNBF1, before GTA VI.

Coming Soon.

Teaser - Knock knock...

A teaser inspired off the original FNAF2 teaser.

Via unknown substance, 39 would escape to what he called his 'Safe Haven'. He became detatched, and would be with his friends again, venturing The Island, quelling all evil that lurked within.

But... All good things come to an end, eventually.

Forgot to post this here, blender models for 39, Wesley and Plushie are now available to the public. :)…