Hello again, Its been a while but once again its that time. Update time and this one is a biggy! It will be released some time within the next 24h so stay tuned.
It has a dramatic change to the way the game works because instead of just shooting automatically, you now have to shot manually. There are many more changes that will be best explained in note form so here it is:
Added powerbar GUI
Added Kills stat
Added Ammo used stat
Fixed stars not spawning from start
Fixed some enemy spawning
Changed controls so you have to fire the weapons (A for xbox / MB1 for Keys)
Removed Y axis warping (Player 2)
Death countdown now on Player 1 & 2
Changed Player 2 fire controls (A for xbox / Space for Keys)
Added Player 2 Kills & Ammo usage stats
Added (TEMP) more stats page on death
Added Silent player trophy
Raw Asteroids now damage players
A Few bug fixed