Five Nights at Coso 2 - Remake
8 months ago

V1.6.3: slighly made Advanced Coso, Advanced Cosa and Cosaul a lot more aggressive in Custom Mode.

The reason is that I felt the Purple Violet challenge was a little too easy to complete, and also because we're getting closer to Coso 2's 4th anniversary!



Next up

I officially invite Powerplex to beta test Repainted in Gold.

Happy birthday Five Nights at Coso 2 Remake! Let's celebrate with an update, shall we?

Here's what 1.4.5 has brought to us:

That desk is very expensive, get your hands off of it please.

The Coso Files

This song right here made me like Security Breach, I can't even explain how it's just so good.

Coso designs

May my love for placeholders never fade away

Original Cosa never has been one of my favorite characters in the Coso's series.

But now I've found a really good voice actor for her and I finished her new pose, so I'm beginning to like her a lot!

Just like the other one, here's a before & after! :D

Coso (Tried a different style)

Best birthday gift ever.

I forced him to eat stones