One Night with Loonarin-San
2 years ago


- Character movement timers now have randomization.

- Jumpscares are enabled by default.

- Minor change for the main menu.



Next up

The game is done! And it only took like a month to finish. Give it a try, and be sure to report any bugs you find!

V1.1 is here!


- A sound will now play if you shine the light on Loonarin-San, just like King Lun-Bun and Placida.

- Made slight changes to the Main Menu.


- Fixed a bug where jumpscares from the extras menu can appear on the tutorial when clicking the arrow buttons.

happy fright night

have a slapfight between two of my OCs

I just realized I haven't posted these guys here yet

Le starters for a personal Pokemon project I'm working on alongside the others, choose wisely

what's up with him

How the Glasgow Gang treated David McDunder for two games:

betcha weren't expecting a two-day streak (that I don't yet plan on maintaining)

anyway have Emily trying to intimidate David or smth

Emily being Emily

V1.2 (two updates in one day wow)

- Minor visual changes.

- Fixed a bug where some buttons wouldn't appear in the extras menu. (not sure if i did fix it because it only appears on gamejolt)