Sorry for the long wait to get this patch done!
This patch focuses mainly on nerfs, but also brings a couple of new additions as well.
Orange attacks are more fair now.
Orange attacks were way too unfair, especially in Simulations. It also is better to move slowly, rather than very quick.
Now you cannot have more than 100HP in Simulations.
Since Simulations are supposed to be always balanced to the equipment player has, the HP should not be affected by their items.
Added 4 new Simulation Events
It felt like you always got color-typed events, now with a pack of new events, orange attacks should become less annoying.
Simulation Events now increase loot by 50% and SP by 90%.
With new events being added, it felt right to reward players more.
Simulation Autoclicker now decreases loot by 5% and SP by 10%.
We really think that players MUST use an auto clicker in Simulations, but many people avoided it due to the loot punishment being too big for using it.
Frozen Flame now adds less enemy HP in Simulations.
It seemed quite silly that a Godly weapon is that bad in Simulations.
Challenge mode changes:
Thunder Aaron
Now the more enemies there are on screen, the slower exploding balls spawn.
Snow Wyvern
Rotating bullets now rotate slower.
Snow Wyvern was way too stressful to deal with, slower rotation should make fighting it easier.
Crystal Golem
Crystal Circle attack now is twice slower and spawns fewer bullets.
That attack was impossible to dodge with the area limitation.
Overall bullet quantity on Extreme difficulty is reduced.
Challenge mode Xander spammed way too many bullets, now it should be better.
Plasma Temmie
Magnet field attack is removed from Challenge mode.
People just hate this attack
Now you can tell if rotating balls are going to launch in you or explode.
There were many complaints about the rotating ball attack being too unfair, so now there is a rotation warning. Keep an eye on the direction they are rotating now!
Temmie stab attack spawns fewer small bullets.
Small bullet spam leads to an impossible to dodge attack on Extreme.
Bouncing bullets' speed is twice reduced.
Museum of Mysteries
Incoming damage is twice smaller.
Getting hit by any bullet seemed like a game over.
Napstabullet's explosion spawns fewer bullets, depending on difficulty.
It was weird that most of the things change depending on your difficulty, but Napstabullet's explosion never changed.
Purple bullets that should have dealt double damage, are recolored into white bullets
Instead of fixing this bug, we have decided that it would be better if nothing would deal double damage at that level.
Hitboxes were fixed.
The Execution
Now you get a choice of "HP or Firerate Up" for alternate Phase 5.
This was made so more skilled players could speed up the process of destroying boss cores, rather than taking more HP.
Fixed that some attacks were the same no matter what difficulty you are on.
Fixed piston's collision.
Bug fixes:
Now you cannot open the Customization Box if you have all customizations.
Plasma Temmie's purple bullets now deal double damage.
Fixed a bug where it was impossible to craft Toy Knife in the tutorial.