New achievement: ??? (hint, check out The Void)
Changed completely how True Ending works
Check out inside the files for instructions
Changed when the Timer starts and ends
"Fixed" the Best Time not being able to be updated from seconds
Basically if you beat your time by seconds it wouldn't update since it was only detecting your last minute on your previous run.
Lucky-Based achievements (Pedro, Unfortunate Occurence, Nanico and LAZOR/Shoop Da Whoop) are no longer required for the speedrun timer.
Next up
Super Platform: Reoriginal V1.3.0: HUNT OR HUNTED UPDATE
Quite late for this, but thank you and #GameJolt for this great year of 2024, it was fun the entire time it lasted and I'm happy on how much I've progressed in that year.
The game's nearly done, check out the list below for what features is left to be done.
V1.1.0 - Minor Changes
The game is completely finished and is set to release on this friday (19th)
my friend is everywhere holy shit
Super Platform: Reoriginal is out.
Super Platform: Reoriginal V1.2.0
The Evil Trap Returns
Unlock the truth for a new style, small detail yet cool