One Night at Witherd Freddy's: MakeOver (Official)
1 year ago

Ver 1.2

-Fixed Tons of Visual and Game Bugs

-Tried to fix the game being detected as a virus

-Added a Warning Screen

-Freddy Buffed

-CD+ Easter Egg should now work on menu



Next up

Kinda find it funny that all my meh games are on the MML list, even tho i dont have the most positive opinion on its community and games

Gameplay Sceenshot #1


so pretty cool thing, couldn't find any sources to play five fights at freddys, a beat em up style flash fangame so i found an archived link of it on and was able to download the .swf file of the latest version

Hearing more of it, the worse it sounds

Finally got to uploading the five fights at freddy's .swf file to, you'll need flash player (preferably flash player 32) to play it but its a cool lil game from the really old fnaf community

This is the only thing i like about the new UI honestly

This is twitter 95% of the time

Ver 1.1 Released + New Thumbnail and Header

Weshek demoted every mod from the jolly server so no one knew can be verified