Coffy's: Enhanced (Official) | PAUSED
4 years ago

Versão Android quase pronta / Android version almost ready

Portuguese: A versão de Android está quase ficando pronta, estamos verificando se não tem nenhum bug para não atrapalhar a experiência igual um certo jogo, enfim, sejam paciente que alguma hora a versão vai ser lançada. ;)

English: The Android version is almost ready, we are checking to make sure there are no bugs, so as not to ruin the experience, like a certain game, anyway be patient, the version will be released at some point. ;)



Next up

Places you've seen before

Time to remake this.

So familiar

First to platinate the game, congratulations @BreNoKunioka =D

As you can see, I am extremely creative with teasers

look guys, since I am funny guys, I will say that they are a monkey xddd. Go fuck yourself, seriously.

SNaC is a gudo game

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funny boomer

GM 2 secret character leaked :scream: