Baldi's Basics Plus
5 years ago

Version 0.1.4 has released, here's the changelog!

Version 0.1.4 has released with a bunch of bug fixes and adjustments, here's what's changed!


  • Re-added Baldi's countdown and "ready or not" audio clips.

  • Whirlpools no longer remove items. Instead, they will now suck the player and NPCs in and teleport them somewhere else on the map!

    • Also adjusted the amount of whirlpools that spawn in a flood, and the strength of whirlpools.

  • Tweaked shaders for potentially better performance when fog is not active.

  • Updated to the latest version of Unity 2019 (2019.4.5f1).

  • Added a text prompt on the sign-in screen to enter your name if no names have been added.

Bug fixes:

  • Made multiple fixes to the level generator. The following changes will result in seeds changing!

    • All types of swinging doors should no longer be able to spawn on top of each other.

    • Rooms can no longer spawn at the corners of halls and other rooms. This is to fix a bug that could allow rooms to spawn, but have no connection to a hall or room. This most commonly occurred with Gotta Sweep's closet.

    • Fixed multiple bugs which allowed things such as lockers to spawn over windows and posters to spawn behind wall-covering objects.

  • Principal of the Thing can no longer get stuck inside It's A Bully while trying to send him to detention.

  • Stamina now recharges while inside lockers Okay so this is embarrassing... I fixed this, and then this introduced another bug, so I fixed that, which ultimately... Unfixed this and I didn't realize it until after I released the update. OOPS! Expect this to be fixed in the next update.

  • Math Machine notebooks will now appear on the map in endless mode when they respawn, but before the new problem is solved.

  • The level generator will no longer connect tiles to null tiles, which are used on elevators. This fixes a bug that would allow hallways to rarely connect to the inside of the elevator.

  • Fixed a bug where Playtime wouldn't return to normal speed when using a Nametag while she was chasing you.

  • Fixed upside down locker textures.

  • Principal of the Thing will no longer stop running when being pushed by an outside force when using the Principal Whistle.

  • Fixed a missing subtitle for when notebooks respawn.

  • Fixed Chalkles sprite fade-in. It will now fade in from black to white, instead of from transparent to fully opaque.

  • Fixed Cloudy Copter continuing to blow wind even if he leaves his location to go to a party.

  • Skybox was supposed to render properly in the playground, but due to an oversight it's not quite right yet. A proper fix will be in the next update.

  • Elevators can now be exited from the inside when they are closed as a failsave if the player somehow accesses a closed elevator.




Next up

Version 0.7 Status Update

Version 0.6 Status Update

Version 0.7 is available now! + New Dr. Reflex Plushie!

Version 0.6 is available now!

Verson 0.7.1 is available now!

Baldi's Basics Plus version 0.5 is on its way! + New ANGRY Baldi Plushie!

Version 0.8 is available now! + New Principal Plushie!

Version 0.4 is out now! PLUS, a 40% off sale!

Celebrate the 3-year anniversary of Baldi's Basics with a presentation by the game's developer featuring a few surprises and a status update on the development of Baldi's Basics Plus!

March 31, 2021 at 6:00 PM EST


Version 0.9 is available now!