Version 0.18
Added knockback as a separate stat for weapons - how far a creature is knocked away by a weapon.
Added respawn - upon death, you can press spacebar to respawn at your base. You lose 50% of your current EXP.
Made trees turn transparent when the player is near them, so you can see what you’re doing.
Added Message System - allows for tutorial segments to be added, as well as information to be conveyed effecively in digestible snippets.
Changed Stats system - strength now affects damage as well as lifting heavier weights; speed has been removed and replaced with essence (the energy bar used for kinesis and other things in future).
Graphical Updates - for the levelup, base interior, crafting, intro menu etc
Menu and HUD updates - information now appears over certain menu items and it is much clearer.
Added Weapon Throwing - pressing Q now throws the wielded item at enemies (dealing 50% normal damage).
Added Tutorial - using the message system, I have made a tutorial which adapts according to the player’s current actions. You can drag, minimize and close each segment of tutorial as you wish.
Increased pickup range for weapons (so the mouse can be further from the desired weapon).
Added damage bonus for weapons while they are alight.