Tooth Fang & Fire!

4 years ago

Version 0.3.0 is now live.

Finally got to spend some time fixing some of the known bugs.



Next up

Released version 1.0.2

Some minor fixes and optimization.

I was making some promo videos today of the gameplay and I came across a bug in Level 3.

I am sincerely sorry for the inconvenience if you encountered the Cocoon error and the player not respawning correctly, it is fixed in this new version 1.0.3.

Version 1.0.0 is now published.

We hope you like it!

Working on Level 4. Almost ready. Level 5 is also in the works. The new demo is running a little late, but it is almost ready. Check back soon.

Published 1.0.4

Fixed a bug in level 5.

A couple of the energy tokens weren't collectable.

Starting to work on a mobile version.

Version 0.4.0 is now available to download.

Fixed some bugs. Optimized some code.

Still working on a few known issues.

Stay tuned for more releases.

Hello and welcome to Tooth Fang & Fire!

We hope you enjoy the game.

There might be glitches in this early demo.

Stay tuned for updates.

Any and all feedback is appreciated!

Some first draft scenes for level 4.

"The Lost Desert"

Still working on a few other fixes for level 1 - 3 for an updated demo.

Stay tuned for updates.

Level 6 "Down the Mountain" - Work in progress

Currently working hard on the 7th and final level.

Stay tuned for the complete game release some time in February or early March of this year.

Here is the Level Select Screen.